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My grandmother was taken to the nursing home yesterday. It's devastating to me and my family. We are a tight-knit group. Unfortunately, Alzheimer's got her about 5 years ago. She had been living with my mom and dad for three and a half years, which is right beside my house. I did a lot to help take care of her. It has only been one day and I miss her already.

I will see her as much as I can, but it will never be the same. She is one of the strongest and greatest women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She has always been a hard worker, she never complained, and she did whatever she could to take care of us. Because of those few things, I have more respect for her than I have for almost any other person on this planet.

Which brings me to this...

I have been watching all these protests going on. It is hard to avoid. I have also been watching the women's rights movements. Protesting is all well and good, but it is what you do with your life that defines you. It's your actions. It's your presence. It's what you take away from your experiences. You are what you make.

Standing and marching is fine, you have that right. However, demanding that everyone respect you and your opinions, and agree with you just because you say so is NOT cool. If you really want to make a change, be like my grandma. I am confident that she has battled much harder times that most of us today.

Get up. Start setting examples by doing GOOD with your life. Be strong and take whatever comes your way and roll with it. Make the best out of your situations. Take responsibility for your actions. Don't blame everyone else for what goes on in your life.

Stand up. Be strong. Be strong for your friends, family, and loved ones. Set good examples. Be peaceful. Don't worry about what others are doing. Worry about getting your own shit together for people who are actually influenced by what you do.

Be passionate, sure, but do it with respect. Realize that not everyone agrees with you, and that's okay. That's their right, too. It's an OPINION.

My grandma did these things. And I know a handful of people who have developed into great adults because of her. I know it's hard to say where I would be in life if it wasn't for her. I am definitely a better person because of the examples she set.

The time is now. Step away from the crowd. Get up... be a leader! Don't try to tell everyone on the planet your opinions. BE the example. I know my respect for women and people of other races and sexual preference comes from my grandmother and the people around me. It doesn't come from the people crying out for attention.

Live your life. Think about your actions. Learn respect and humility. Politics and governmental banter is meaningless in the end. Don't let that destroy your life. Be like my grandma.

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